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Cybertraps for Educators Digest

💾 Above the Fold: Hackers Post Highly Confidential Data from Minneapolis Public Schools to the Dark Web ~ 📵 2. NYC School Watchdog: "Hang Up the Phone!" ~ 📳 3. "Reams of Texts"

Cybertraps for Educators Digest
Tour Guide in Women's Dungeon, Osu Castle, Accra, Ghana [Frederick Lane, 2023]

Frederick Lane ~ 30 March 2023

This C4E Digest is 1,944 words, or approximately a 8-minute read.

The pace of activity picked up during my third week here in Accra. On Wednesday, March 22, I did my presentation at The CISO Summit on "Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS): A Rapidly-Growing Business Model for Cyberattacks." I am happy to report that the presentation was well-received.

The following day, Awo Amenyah and I traveled to the town of Krobo Odumasi in the Eastern Region of Ghana to attend the launch of the UNESCO-Prada Group Technology-Enabled Girls Project. A key goal of the program is to encourage schools and communities to put support in place so that young women who get pregnant can stay in school.

On Friday morning, I had the opportunity to do a brief presentation for guards and officers of the Ghana Prison Services. We discussed the leading cybersecurity threats for prisons, the challenges of limiting or preventing cellphone use by prisoners, and the risks of social media use by guards themselves.

The week wrapped up with another Sunday web conference, this time with teachers across the continent. Much of the conversation was inspired by the topics that I covered in Cybertraps for Educators 2.0.

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