+1 (802) 355-0158

What Is a Cybertrap?

Cybertrap” is the term that I use to denote “an undesirable or unanticipated consequence arising out of the use or misuse of a digital device or electronic resource.”

In 2011, I published my first Cybertraps book, entitled Cybertraps for the Young. I chose that title as a nod to a book published in 1883 called Traps for the Young. It was written by Anthony Comstock, a stern moralist who served as Secretary of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice and as a Special Agent of the United States Postal Service. For more about his career and his profoundly futile attempts to stamp out indecency, lewdness, immorality, and obscenity in America, read the excellent book written by my wife, Dr. Amy Werbel: Lust on Trial: Censorship and the Rise of American Obscenity in the Age of Anthony Comstock (Columbia University Press, 2018).

The goal of this newsletter is to provide analysis and commentary on relevant news reports involving cybertraps and to offer in-depth legal, technical, social, and historical analysis of the most common and destructive cybertraps.

To learn more about me (Frederick Lane), please click here: "Author: Frederick Lane"


Free. Any member of the public can receive regular email updates from The Cybertraps Newsletter. Roughly once a week, I send out a post highlighting some of the more interesting cybertraps from the week before. The main focus right now is on cybertaps involving educators but they are certainly not the only ones who suffer negative consequences flowing from the use or misuse of digital devices.

After four weeks of public availability, each cybertraps digest is transferred to the newsletter archive. The archive, along with other material, is available only to paid supporters of The Cybertraps Newsletter.

Paid. Monthly or annual subscribers receive access to all posts, both public and archived. They also receive access to the site's growing collection of long-form material, including Cybertraps for Expecting Moms & Dads (in progress), Raising Cyberethical Kids (queued), Cybertraps for Educators 2.0 (queued), and The Naked Employee (queued).

Paid members of the site will also get early access to the next Cybertraps for Educators update, Cybertraps for Educators 3.0.

Bulk Subscriptions. Group rates are available for organizations, institutions, districts, and schools that would like to make these materials available to all of their staff and employees.

If you are interested in setting up a group subscription, please contact me at FSLane3@FrederickLane.com.

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