Cybertraps for Educators Digest

by Frederick Lane ~ 17 May 2023

Reminder: On June 1, 2023 at 11:30 EDT, I'll be doing a free 30-minute webinar entitled "Summer Cybertraps: Social Media and Vacation Photos." Everyone on The Cybertraps Newsletter mailing list will receive a registration code for that webinar at the end of May.

If you are interested in attending any of the other five webinars (click here for a complete list), please become a monthly or yearly subscriber to the Newsletter ($5/$50). In addition to the five free webinars, you also receive:

  • Full access to The Cybertraps Newsletter archives;
  • A free copy of the Raising Cyberethical Kids e-book;
  • 10% off Cybertraps for Educators 2.0 (e-book or paperback); and
  • Additional perks as they are added to the site.

For bulk access for your school or district, please contact me.

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